Alameda Marina - Alameda, CA

Alameda Marina is the redevelopment of 44 acres of prime waterfront located within the San Francisco Bay. The development will consist of 760 housing units, 150,000sf of commercial space, as well as a 529-slip marina. Commercial space will be located in individual buildings centered around a Maritime Core and would include the preservation and repurposing of some existing WWII buildings on-site for new and existing maritime businesses.

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The project will also include 60 dry boat storage spaces which will be located along the waterfront. The 760 residential units are comprised of approximately 569 multifamily wrap units, 48 multifamily elevator stacked flats, and 143 multifamily townhouse units, with approximately 104 of these dwelling units offered as affordable housing units distributed throughout the site. The construction of the housing types will be done in a combination of on-grade wrap building, elevator building and rowhome configurations. All residential buildings will be no taller than 65 feet, ranging from 3- to 5-stories.

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Alameda Marina is located at 1815 Clement Avenue, in the City of Alameda, California. The City of Alameda is located approximately 15 miles east of San Francisco in Alameda County. Regional access to the City is provided by Interstate 880 connected via Interstate 80. Public transportation connections such as the Fruitvale Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Station and AC Transit lines are within 2 miles of the site.

Project Summary

Site Area: 44 acres
Number of Residential Units: 760 units
Affordable Units: 104 units
Commercial: 150,000sf
Total Open Space: 3.45 acres
Total Shoreline: 4009’ linear feet
Marina Slips: 529 boat slips
Total Commercial Parking: 348 spaces (commercial and open space only)
Construction: Wrap Style, Podium and Townhome Construction Types

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